Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Today we are officially a family. Today marks the beginning of the rest of our lives. Today we PASSED COURT! Yippee! We have to give the glory to God. He has guided us through this process. He has made the way for a tiny little girl from half way around the world to become our daughter. He has made the way for us to be her parents. We are blessed.

We are so overwhelmed by the outpouring of love we have received through this entire process. We have had people around the world praying for us and for our sweet baby girl. As I was trying to go to sleep last night, I received constant facebook notifications and emails from people encouraging us. Many of our friends updated their facebook status to ask people to pray for us. Humbled. We are so humbled. We believe God has used our daughter to strengthen the faith of others. Our little girl has already impacted the lives of many people, especially ours.

So, let me tell you about our daughter. Her Ethiopian name is Mekdes. It is pronounced Mehk-dehs. It means temple or holy place. We have moved this to her middle name and her first name is Sophia. As I have said before, we still call her Mekdes more than we call her Sophia, as we think both names are very important to her. I am sure she will be called by both and I think that is okay. She is from Gondar, Ethiopia and her birthday is October 22, so she is about 4.5 months old.

I put together a video of pictures we have received over the past 10 weeks. I hope you enjoy it. I am sorry if drags on, but there was so much I wanted to include.
Make sure your speakers are turned on, if you want to hear the song.

We will find out tomorrow what our travel dates are. We will either travel the week of March 29 or April 19. The embassy is closed the week of April 12, or that would have been the second option. Please pray that we can get into the March 29 travel group. We really want to go and get her as soon as possible.


Tara said...

I just cried through the whole slide show. Congrats on your sweet Sophia!! She is beautiful!

Robyn said...

What a tiny little peanut! So precious! Oh I hope you all can get in on the early travel group! Praying...

KillerB said...

Love, love, love-- she is such a beauty :) And she seems so happy!

Heidi said...

What a beautiful little bundle of sweetness! So very happy for you, Katie! Hoping and praying that you get into the earlier travel group!!! And that video was NOT too long. I could watch is for hours! XOXO ~Heidi

Lisa said...

Congratulations!!! What a beautiful family!

the langford's said...

praise the lord.....wow, i just cried and cried tears of joy. she is beautiful and you will be blessed together as a happy family!!! i can't begin to tell you how much this story has touched my life and the lives of so many others. i pray for a safe trip there and for a safe return. i aslo pray that you god gives you the travel dates sooner than later. be blessed you guys!!!! god is sooooooo good!!! we love you all so much!!!!

Laura said...

Congrats!! So exciting. Hope you get into the first travel group.

Rebecca said...

What a happy day! I watched this with my daughter on my lap. How amazing is that? She's lovely! Congrats!!!

More Dorrs said...

Baby D and I just watched this...he squealed everytime a new picture of her popped up. Loved it!



p.s. and apologies to how cheesy I sound in that video. Wow. Sorry about that :).

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful gift she is!! PRAYING for early travel so you can get your angel A.S.A.P.

Beverly said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! It has been such a pleasure praying for you on this journey and to see those prayers answered so sweetly. Your baby girl is beautiful and we cannot wait to meet her!

Beverly and Roman

Leanne said...


Amanda said...

So happy for you too! She is beautiful! The video was so sweet, brought happy tears to my eyes.

Charlie said...

First attempt too, congratulations you guys! Amazing news! We are really happy that you are already on your way!

I don't have your direct email account, can you email our family at 'ccwilli3 at gmail dot com'?


The Busters said...

Congrats!!!! She is adorable!! I am so happy for you and hope you get to travel soon!!

Gail said...

She is adorable! Congratulations!

Tam and Kai - NYC said...

Sending huge congratulations to your family and hoping you get in the early travel group. Will be thinking of you :)

Belleme said...

Congratulations! She is tiny and adorable! :)