We leave in two days. Two. Days. I don’t even really know what to say. OMG. I never say that, but O.M.G. I can honestly say I am completely overwhelmed. I am finding it really difficult to decide what the most important items are. We found out we could check 2 bags each. They must weight under 50 pounds. We are taking three large suitcases. That leaves us one more spot, which is for a tub of art supplies our students collected. We currently have enough art supplies to fill another tub, plus we will be getting more supplies on Thursday, but we will have to pay $200 per tub. Through the generosity of others, we have raised $100 toward the fee. We are praying we will get the rest of the money. We are really praying that the nice person working at the airport will waive the fee and the $200 can be given to an orphanage in Ethiopia. Wouldn’t that be great?
If you would like to donate money toward the excess baggage fee, we would LOVE that! We are so thrilled to be able to take these wonderful items to children who do not have much to call their own. If we raised enough to cover two extra tubs ($400) we could take three tubs full of art supplies to Ethiopia, which would be AMAZING!
If you would like to donate money toward the excess baggage fee, we would LOVE that! We are so thrilled to be able to take these wonderful items to children who do not have much to call their own. If we raised enough to cover two extra tubs ($400) we could take three tubs full of art supplies to Ethiopia, which would be AMAZING!
To donate online, please click on this link: http://artworksacademy.chipin.com/art-supplies-for-orphans
I still haven’t posted pics of the nursery and I am not sure if that will happen before we leave. I will, however, give you a sneak peak. My sister has been slaving over some really awesome bird houses she has made for the little darling’s walls. I haven’t seen them in person, but I know they will be even more amazing than they are in the pictures (if that is possible).

TWO DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my goodness the bird houses are adorable! I'm so excited for you!
Katie, I can't believe it's only TWO DAYS away! That is amazing. It has come so fast! So excited for you.
The little bird houses are so cute! Can't wait to see her room!
Praying for you all as you prepare! Umm, those bird houses are like the cutest things EVER!
Loving the bird houses!!! We're praying for you guys...Give our little one lots of hugs and kisses...
I love those birdhouses-- I can't wait to see Sophia's room!
LOVE the birdhouses :) Have an amazing trip!
Bon Voyage!!!! I can't wait to hear all about it!!! Sophia doesn't even know all the blessings that are heading her way!!!
Tell Zadie her mommy and daddy are on their way! Give her a big kiss for us!!!
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